It happens every year like clockwork. The day before Thanksgiving I find myself overcome with emotion. I get sentimental and weepy about just how lucky a bully I really am. And for reasons I still can’t explain, I start to love @roberttherubberchicken. It’s a little disconcerting really, but I just roll with it.
So today when I got an email from my buddies at Purina asking my thoughts on their #dogthanking initiative, I did some soul-digging and this is what I came up with.
D is for The Droolitzer, duh. #ilovewhatido
O is for @operation_sumo. Everybully needs a buddy, I just happen to have found the best of the best! #BFF
G is for gingers. While they are nearly impossible to train, redheads aren’t all that bad. #iheartmom
T is for Thursday/trash day. They say what terrifies you only makes you stronger (in theory). #trashcansaremykryptonite
H is for hoses. Garden hoses are, without a doubt, mankind’s greatest invention. Feel free to quote me on that. #bogiegreenpaws
A is for Animal Crackers, my local pet supply store where they know me by name (and reputation). #myfavoritestore
N is for negotiating—a skill needed to get what you want, when you want it. #humantraining101
K is for kibble. I’m a #foodie.
I is for Instagram. Thank you friends and followers for the endless joy and
laughter you bring me each and every day. #igbulldogs_worldwide
N is for nappingzzzzzzzzzz. #imaprofessional
G is for gardening. When I’m not blogging, you’ll find me in my garden. #betterhomeandgarden
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