A well trained human is a happy human.
Summertime Workouts
Traveling Light-ish
With summer vacation just around the corner, it's imperative to make sure you fit nicely into your person's luggage. Now there is really no excuse for you to be left behind. #humantraining101
Bully Physics
The Laws of Bully Physics: Who goes up, must come down. Motivate your person and then go wait for her in the car. #gravityontheuphillisnotyourfriend #humantraining101
The Art of Getting What You Want
And thank you.
Today’s training tip goes out to anybully searching for their FURever home!
Laundry Time
It's always a great idea to volunteer to help sort the clean clothes.
The Dishes
Dishwashing machines are for amateurs. #humantraining101
Sit. Stay.
Setting your person up for success is an essential part of the human training process.
Words of Wisdom
Take bath time into your own paws with this simple DIY move.