A well trained human is a happy human.
Choose Your Friends Wisely
Opt for one made out of rubber from China.
Seven Morning Shades of Bogie
Some might say I'm predictable, I simply say I'm reliable. #humantraining101
Here, Have My Kibble
Carpe Diem and then apologize later. #humantraining101
In the Kitchen with Bogie
I absolutely love helping Mom make sweet cherry pie.
Taking Work Home
Sometimes I feel like my mom doesn't understand that owning a gardening biz isn't just a 9am to 5pm outside job! #bogiegreenpaws
Slug or Thug?
"Bogie come!" The #sluglife or #thuglife? You tell me.
Annnnd She’s Off
When your person tells you he/she is leaving town for a bit, look sad for a moment, it's the right thing to do. #humantraining101
It’s a Wonderful Life
We always wear SPF 500.
Rain Gear
She's finally getting the drift. #humantraining101
I Do What I Can To Help
Chores. Everybully has them, but why not pick the ones that taste good? #humantraining101