
Don’t name me Napoleon!

In Cresskill, New Jersey cats are required to wear three bells to warn birds of their presences.

In Miami, Florida imitating an animal is against the law.

In Berea, Ohio any animal that goes out after dark is required to wear a tail light.

In Columbus, Georgia cats are not allowed to yowl after 9pm.

In Wallace, Idaho no person is allowed to sleep in a dog carrier or kennel.

In Virginia dogcatchers can not bother cats while looking for dogs. Cats get all the breaks…

You can not have both a cat and a bird in Reed City, Michigan.

If you’re in Baltimore, Maryland you can’t take a lion to the movie theater, but there’s nothing stopping you from taking me!

In Barber, North Carolina cats and dogs are not allowed to fight. How ridiculous!

Making ugly faces at dogs in Oklahoma can get you fined or even jailed. This is a law I’d liked passed in here in California.

In Zion, Illinois it is illegal to to give any domestic animal a lit cigar.

In Palding, Ohio a police officer may bite a dog to quiet it.

In Switzerland aspiring pet owners must take a class and pass a test before owning a pet. In addition to this law all pets must have a companion to avoid loneliness. What a nice country to be a pet in!

It is illegal for cats to go out after 8pm in Japan. Haha! Take that cats!

In Reggio Emilia, Italy if you plan on giving your pet some food from your plate you better stop and grab “Fluffy” his own plate instead. Legally pets must get the same proportions of “human” food as their humans are eating. Just handing out table scraps is illegal. Now this is a law we should bring to The States!

In Turin, Italy you are required by law to walk your dog at least three times a day or receive a fine of $650. Now that’s a law I can get behind!

In Saudi Arabia, on the other paw, walking a dog in public is illegal. I know where I won’t be vacationing.

In France you may not name your pig “Napoleon.”

Germany has a monthly pet tax! But the citizens have found a loophole that allows you to register small dogs, so long as they are under ten pounds, as rodents. This means you would pay a third of the price.  Because of this smaller dogs have seen an increased in popularity.

In Australia you can only name an animal that you don’t plan on eating.