Let me be clear, all restaurants are fantastic places with lots of food in them. It’s just that some are better than others.

In my neck of the woods, McDonald’s has a pretty bad rap. They also have a spicy chicken wrap that I’ve never tried. For the last seven years parts of Los Angeles have gone as far as banning new fast food restaurants from opening. In the land of #rawvegan, #glutenfree, #grassfed, #freerange and #farmtotable, that doesn’t even seemScreen Shot 2015-05-08 at 5.44.15 AM strange.

Ever since I was a pup I’ve dreamed about having a Big Mac all to myself. I also don’t mind admitting that commercials for McFlurry’s make me drool uncontrollably and that I think I’m lovin’ it is a seriously underrated tune. Last Sunday, I asked my mom if maybe she could just drive through McDonald’s on Sunset Avenue and Crescent Heights. It seemed like she said, “Hell no,” before she even thought about it.

There are two things I love most in life: food and cars. The idea of being able to eat in a car is a fascinating concept. But for me it’s more than that. It’s a priority. I decided I wouldn’t give up on my dream of eating a Big Mac while cruising along Santa Monica Boulevard, so I called my dad and asked if he was hungry. I thought maybe he could be persuaded to grab some French fries and a Coca Cola with me at Mickey D’s.

It was Sunday afternoon when us dudes decided it was chow time. I casually asked him if he’d like to run into Whole Foods and get Mom her dinner after we drove through McDonald’s for a “man’s meal.” Shockingly, he went for the idea. In a matter of minutes we’d pulled up to a little black box in front of a menu that must have been five feet tall. I’d never seen anything like it. I felt like I finally understood what made humanity such a big deal.

My dad ordered a vanilla milkshake and fries for himself while I was debating whether the Filet-o-Fish or Angus Chipotle BBQ Bacon Burger would better accompany my Big Mac. I heard him mumble something to the black box about a plain cheeseburger and a kid’s sized shake. Hmmmm…

The fun didn’t end there. We rounded another corner and a friendly young lady charged us hardly anything for our gourmet feast. She told us to pull up to the next Screen Shot 2015-05-08 at 5.38.10 AMwindow where our food would be waiting for us. The precision was military grade. It was a genius operation—we didn’t even have to exit the car. Within seconds a brown paper bag was handed to my dad and dinner never smelled so…different.

As my dad unwrapped the burger I saw artificial American cheese oozing out the side. I finished it in a single gulp. But then I sniffed around for the rest of my dinner and discovered my dad had only ordered me the burger and shake. Not cool.

The shake was delicious even though my belly hurt for about an hour afterwards. My dad said something about the speed with which I ate the cheapest meat in America. I think he was impressed.

While I can’t really comment on the quality of the food, I can say that eating in a car is the best way to multitask. I lapped up my vanilla milkshake and stole a few fries from my dad as we headed to Whole Foods for my mom’s kale salad with quinoa.

Stay hungry my friends…