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1. Farm animals are making their way out of the barn and into your backyard. One of the ones you might find interesting is the Miniature Mediterranean Donkey. As their name suggests they are from the Mediterranean area of Northern Africa. They were first imported to the USA in the 1920s.

2. Don’t let the miniature fool you, these donkeys can weigh between 200 and 350 pounds. Their height is usually between thirty two to thirty six inches at their withers.

3. Although they can make good pets, they can still work as well as any other farm animals. At a few years old they can be trained to carry packs or pull carts. Maybe I should get a donkey to pull me in a cart. My morning walks can be a bit strenuous.

4. Donkeys have a great memory. They commonly are extremely weary of areas in which they’ve had a bad experience in.

5. Donkeys are herd animals and they will need company to truly be happy. Donkeys frequently bond with sheep, goats, and horses, in addition to their own kind.
6. Donkeys that bond with sheep and goats will often be protective of them and have been known to fight off coyotes.

7. If you have a bond with your donkey you can expect to hear snorts and brays when your donkey sees you.

8. If donkeys aren’t your thing maybe you should look into a Pygmy Goat. Pygmy goats. In city or suburban areas there might be a size or weight limit making these small goats preferred.

9. Goat owners will need a good strong fence. If there is a hole in the fence that the goat can get his head into then he will manage to get the rest of his body in and through it. When goats shed they will rub their body along the fence to help remove the previous coat. If a fence is weak they might topple it over.

10. Goats have some odd dietary habits. Most people think know goats will eat just about anything, so if you plan on having a goat and a garden make sure they stay separated. Goats will eat weeds, hay, herbs, trees, vegetables, flowers, oats, and hedges all equally. Which is why I want to make friends with goats, I can give them all my vegetables!



11. But goats also have somethings they’ll never touch – if their food is so much as stepped on most goats will refuse to eat it. Goats have some kind of ethical standard after all!

12. If you think that goats would be a fun replacement for a lawn mower they actually won’t do much for your lawn. Goats forage and search for food they are interested in, unlike sheep who graze.

13. Goats are herd animals so you can’t have just one! And it is because of this need to be social that goats bond with their human counterparts.

14. Another increasingly popular pet you would expect to find on the farm is the potbellied pig. Potbellied pigs are a sub-species farm pig. But while some farm pigs can weigh up to two tons, your pot belly at home shouldn’t exceed

15. Contrary to popular belief pigs don’t wallow in mud because they are dirty. Pigs actually use the mud as a natural sunscreen because their skin is sensitive to the rays . So if you want a potbellied pig, ensure you can provide them with adequate shade if they’re outside. As a husky I understand this dread of the sun.