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Dear Frieda,

I just relocated for a new job, and I’m anxious to make some friends. Yesterday, a group of young women in the office invited me to go to opening day at the horse races with them. I was so excited to be included, until I heard more of the details. Apparently, its traditional to dress up for opening day, and that’s not all! The women wear hats, the bigger and flashier the better! I want to make a good impression and participate in the fun, but I don’t know where to start! What do you recommend?




Dear Clueless,

Your worries are over! I have the perfect #friedaoriginal for you! Your coworkers, and everyone else, will be agog when you arrive in this clingy, black, daringly short, strapless dress. The simplicity of the gown is balanced by the abundance of showy flowers adorning the oversized, red-lined top hat. You’re sure to be at the center of an admiring crowd all day! Oh, and dah-ling, I always back the horses with promising names. For example, if you see a FAST FRIEDA or FEATHERED FRENZY, I would advise you to hurry and place your bet!

